2 седмично назадТръмп отговаря на въпрос за Мексико и Канада: Гледам някои от тези споразумения и казвам кой би подписал нещо подобно. Тарифите ще продължат напред, да. Ще направим много територия. Държавата ни пак ще е ликвидна и богата
2 седмично назадСреща на Г-7 по случай годишнината от руската пълномащабна агресия срещу Украйна
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 23 km NE of Sechelt, Canada
Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - 36 km NE of South Pender Harbour, Canada
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 27 km NNE of Sechelt, Canada
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 69 km NE of Grande Cache, Canada
Президент Макрон: Току-що проведох още един дълъг разговор с няколко колеги от Европейския съюз, както и с Канада, Исландия и Норвегия. Ние сме редом с Украйна и ще поемем всички наши отговорности, за да гарантираме мира и сигурността в Европа. Това е основен интерес на Франция и аз съм негов гарант. Споделяме целта, която е и тази на президента @realDonaldTrump, да сложим край на агресивната война, водена от Русия в продължение на почти три години.
3 седмично назадNORAD tracked Russian military aircraft in the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) on Tuesday. "The Russian aircraft remained in international airspace and did not enter American or Canadian sovereign airspace. Not seen as a threat" per statement
Франция ще свика втора спешна среща за Украйна с други европейци, Канада. Поканените страни са Норвегия, Канада, Литва, Естония, Латвия, Чехия, Гърция, Финландия, Румъния, Швеция и Белгия, според Reuters
Delta plane crashes, flips at Toronto airport 15 taken to area hospitals
3 седмично назадAll 80 passengers and crew on board a Delta flight that crashed while landing at Toronto Pearson International Airport have been evacuated, according to the FAA
At least 8 injured after Delta plane crash landed in Toronto
A Delta flight had an "incident" when it arrived at Toronto Pearson International Airport on Monday, according to the airport."All passengers and crew are accounted for," airport officials said
Witness video shows aftermath of serious plane crash in Toronto.The Delta Airlines CRJ-900 departed from Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport
3 седмично назадToronto Pearson is aware of an incident upon landing involving a Delta Airlines plane arriving from Minneapolis. Emergency teams are responding. All passengers and crew are accounted for
3 седмично назадDelta plane crashes at Toronto Airport YYZ Mitsubishi CRJ-900 N932XJ Delta Airlines plane crashes at Toronto Pearson International Airport
3 седмично назадToronto had a Delta flight flipped upside down.
Delta Air Lines plane crash landed at Toronto Pearson International Airport; no word on casualties
Delta Air Lines plane crash landed at Toronto Pearson International Airport; no word on casualties
Екипажите реагират на самолетна катастрофа в Торонто Пиърсън, каза полицията
Canadian frigate transits Taiwan Strait
3 седмично назадТръмп каза, че Канада някой ден, може би скоро, ще стане нашата скъпа и много важна Петдесет първа държава. Наричан отново Трюдо „губернатор".
3 седмично назадTrump: Canada is just about the lowest payer in NATO in addition to everything else. Canada has really been taking advantage of. If they had to pay just something modestly fair, they wouldn't be able to succeed as a country. That's why I feel they have to become a state
Trump on Canada: "I spoke to Governor Trudeau. They don't have military protection, and you take a look at what's going on out there. People are in danger. They need our protection."
Syrian Presidency: Al-Shara received a call from the Canadian Prime Minister, who confirmed working to lift economic sanctions on Syria
4 седмично назадTrudeau: "There's not a snowball's chance in hell that Canada will ever be the 51st state"
OPEC expects oil supply to increase from the United States, Canada and Brazil in 2025
Trump: It would be great if Canada became the 51st US state
1 месец назадTrump during his Super Bowl interview: "I think Canada would be much better off being a 51st state because we lose $200 billion a year with Canada, and I'm not gonna let that happen."
“I don't think there's any plans to invade Canada,” US National Security Adviser Mike Waltz says on NBC’s MTP